Support Groups

Health and Well-Being for Everyone

Julie offers and facilitates group support opportunities because many of us benefit from contact with and support of others living in similar circumstances as we navigate life changes. This is especially true for those who are taking care of a loved one living with illness and for those who have lost a loved one through death. Each of these support groups is an environment of support and caring, for exploring your experience of love, loss and life changes.

Caregiver Connection

Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month.

Sustainable self-care takes time and consistent practice. It requires a personal commitment on the part of a caregiver as well as a safe and supportive learning environment.  For this reason, this group is specifically designed to meet twice a month in order to support our practice of caring for the self while caring for someone we love.

You will have an opportunity to:

  • Identify how you feel and what you need
  • Learn and try out new language and ways to communicate
  • Unravel limiting beliefs that block self care
  • Learn techniques and practices for relaxation and release of tension
  • Develop trust and respect for yourself
  • Listen to the messages beneath your feelings and use them to inform your decisions
  • Acknowledge ongoing losses and live in hope
  • Practice acceptance and live more peacefully
  • Share your personal story
  • Cultivate a practice of lasting self compassion and care
  • Learn what to consider and how to make difficult decisions

The program will use facilitated interactive dialogue, education materials on compassion fatigue, cultivating compassion, as well as physical, emotional and spiritual health. We will use a range of modalities including experiential exercises, large and small group discussion, contemplative, introspective and reflective practice, poetry and imagery with an emphasis on experiential learning and pragmatic application. Each session will be an opportunity to add new skill and flexibility in caring for yourself while caring for your loved one.


Living With Grief

Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month.

Grief is a transformational fire.  Losing someone we love breaks open the heart.  It deserves time, attention and community.  When we give ourselves permission to mourn, we begin to heal and learn how to live with loss.

Living fully after loss is a process.  This group is for anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one within the past three years.  It is an opportunity to talk about and explore your grief in the company of others who have also lost someone they love.

We will use poetry, music, conversation and listening as we journey in Living with Grief.